Sunday, August 4, 2013

1880 Non-Population Census in Tennessee

I was on not long ago when I came across a Amada W.Manire listed on an 1880 Non-population Census (it's like an Agriculture Census instead). I had to go look at it because the name was similar to one I knew but not the same. I found I was right... It was Amasa W. Manire. And also listed on the adjoining page was John W. Manire, Stephen Bennett, Manerva O. Hays, and Lem Sen Manire,

This Agriculture Census that had some of my ancestors listed was for Rutherford County, Tennessee. It had many interesting things on it like:

  • Was farm owned by them, worked by them for rent, or worked by them for part of crops.
  • Value of farm and(or) machinery and farming implements.
  • Did they have any farm labor and how much was paid towards farm labor.
  • How many horses and how many mules/asses.
  • How many cattle and the movement of the cattle (how many were sold, bought, died, slaughtered)
  • How much butter was produced
  • How many Sheep and lambs were on the farm. And the movement of them like the cattle.
  • How much fleece.
  • How many swine (Pigs).
  • How many Chickens and other poultry. 
  • How many dozens of eggs were collected in a year.
  • What kind and how much "Cereals" were grown like (Indian Corn and Wheat)
  • If had crops like Flax or cotton and how much was grown.
  • If made any sugars, Cane, Sorghum, or Maple.
  • If they grew potatoes, sweet potatoes, or tobacco and how much.
  • Did they have orchards. What kind of fruit trees did they have and how much.
  • Did they have nurseries? The value...
  • Did they have vineyards? The value...
  • Did they have Market Gardens? The value...
  • Did they keep bees? How much honey? How much wax?
  • How much wood was cut? Value of the wood products sold or consumed in the year...
It goes a long way to helping to round out the story of how our ancestors lived. And I recently came across a few other family members who were listed on the 1880 non-population census also on another page. I will haveto add they names here as soon as I can...