This Agriculture Census that had some of my ancestors listed was for Rutherford County, Tennessee. It had many interesting things on it like:
- Was farm owned by them, worked by them for rent, or worked by them for part of crops.
- Value of farm and(or) machinery and farming implements.
- Did they have any farm labor and how much was paid towards farm labor.
- How many horses and how many mules/asses.
- How many cattle and the movement of the cattle (how many were sold, bought, died, slaughtered)
- How much butter was produced
- How many Sheep and lambs were on the farm. And the movement of them like the cattle.
- How much fleece.
- How many swine (Pigs).
- How many Chickens and other poultry.
- How many dozens of eggs were collected in a year.
- What kind and how much "Cereals" were grown like (Indian Corn and Wheat)
- If had crops like Flax or cotton and how much was grown.
- If made any sugars, Cane, Sorghum, or Maple.
- If they grew potatoes, sweet potatoes, or tobacco and how much.
- Did they have orchards. What kind of fruit trees did they have and how much.
- Did they have nurseries? The value...
- Did they have vineyards? The value...
- Did they have Market Gardens? The value...
- Did they keep bees? How much honey? How much wax?
- How much wood was cut? Value of the wood products sold or consumed in the year...